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Central Valley towns like Stockton are in BUST mode: bankrupt, losing population and employment, plagued by stagnant or falling real estate prices, town centers abandoned in favor of aging suburbs and big box retail shopping. Too far from jobs in San Francisco for a reasonable commute, but positioned for extensive future growth due to the California High Speed Rail project, Stockton offers distinguished old abandoned buildings edged by empty lots as opportunities to design for the present BUST, while anticipating a near-future BOOM. The design focuses on creating a strong inner-interaction within the central courtyard in the building, with three bridges that allow people to always be connected with one another. The rotatable bridges allow the building to be totally flexible. It not only provides quick access between diagonal programs but can also connect/disconnect one program from another based on its level of privacy. Meanwhile, it also refreshes the experience of people in the building from time to time. Also, the floor plates shifting between old and new provide a visual connection all the way through the building. People can continuously have different views of the center when moving around.

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